Welcome to the ABSORICA LD C‑A‑R‑E Program Website. This is a resource for healthcare professionals that provides tools and resources to share with patients and office staff about ABSORICA LD.
ABSORICA LD is a prescription medicine that uses isotretinoin as the active ingredient to treat severe nodular and/or inflammatory acne, acne conglobata, and recalcitrant acne.
In general, patients should receive ABSORICA LD 0.4 to 0.8 mg/kg body weight daily, taken with or without meals. ABSORICA LD should be taken in the nearest number of whole capsules, either as a single dose or in 2 divided doses during the day, whichever is more convenient. ABSORICA LD uses micronization technology to optimize isotretinoin absorption in a lower dose.
ABSORICA LD is available in lower doses than other available forms of isotretinoin and is not substitutable. The medication is available in 8 mg, 16 mg, 24 mg, and 32 mg capsules.
A normal, complete course of treatment is 15 to 20 weeks. After a period of 2 months or more off therapy, and if warranted by persistent or recurring severe nodular acne, a second course may be initiated in patients who have completed skeletal growth. Long-term use of ABSORICA LD, even in low dosages, has not been studied, and is not recommended. The effect of long-term use of ABSORICA LD on bone loss is unknown.
The following resources and checklists are for use by physicians and their staff as part of the ABSORICA LD C‑A‑R‑E Program:
ABSORICA LD Product Monograph
This document is intended to provide you with the necessary information on the conditions of use and important safety warnings and precautions when taking ABSORICA LD.
DownloadPatient Informed Consent Form
Each patient, or parent or guardian of a patient under age 18 (subject to provincial legislation), must read and sign the consent form before beginning treatment with ABSORICA LD.
DownloadDose Guide for Healthcare Providers
A flashcard detailing important dosing information about ABSORICA LD and highlighting the use of micronization technology to optimize isotretinoin absorption at a lower dose.
DownloadABSORICA LD C‑A‑R‑E Program Flowchart for Healthcare Providers
A simple-to-use tool for physicians who are counselling patients on the ABSORICA LD C‑A‑R‑E Program for treatment with ABSORICA LD.
DownloadLaboratory Monitoring Guide
This guide provides important information on laboratory tests to be performed on patients taking ABSORICA LD.
DownloadABSORICA LD Clinical Awareness Resource and Education C‑A‑R‑E Program: An Educational Guide for Patients
A guide detailing important things they need to know before starting ABSORICA LD, including how to take it, common side effects, and important safety information.
DownloadCharts and Checklists
Patient Monitoring Chart
For use at each patient visit, the chart covers dosage, pregnancy, warnings and precautions, blood monitoring, and side effects and their management.
DownloadPregnancy Prevention Checklist
This checklist assists physicians in determining patient suitability when treatment with ABSORICA LD is being considered for a patient.
DownloadPsychiatric Screening Checklist
This checklist provides a patient health questionnaire that should be conducted at each monthly assessment while a patient is on ABSORICA LD therapy. This questionnaire is meant to provide assistance in evaluating your patient's mental health status. The results of the questionnaire, along with other clinical information, may be used to modify treatment or make further referrals for psychiatric consult, upon clinical discretion on a case-by-case basis.
DownloadReminder Slips
Patient Reminder Slips
These slips are convenient monthly pregnancy test reminders for you to use at each patient visit.
DownloadWhen prescribing this drug to female patients of childbearing potential, physicians MUST use the ABSORICA LD C‑A‑R‑E Program.
Contact Us
For information about birth control or for confidential counselling:
Call: 1-833-388-0532
Email: Med.InfoCanada@sunpharma.com
Visit Website: www.AbsoricaLD.ca
This website is neither intended nor designed to record or report adverse event information. If you have a suspected side effect or problem to report regarding a Sun Pharma product, please email Med.InfoCanada@sunpharma.com or call 1-833-388-0532. You can also report adverse events relating to any product to Health Canada directly by going to the Canada Vigilance Program website at https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/medeffect-canada/adverse-reaction-reporting.html.
Sun Pharma Canada Inc.
126 East Drive Brampton, ON
L6T 1C1, Canada
Phone: 1-844-924-0656